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Leeway Launches Virtual White Ribbon Campaign

11 November 2020
decorated white ribbons from previous campaign

Each year we launch a campaign to raise awareness of White Ribbon Day, an international movement raising awareness of domestic abuse. The Coronavirus pandemic has meant that we are unable to hold events, so we have adapted our campaign to create a virtual event that supporters can take part in!   

What is the White Ribbon movement? 

The White Ribbon is the symbol of the international movement for the elimination of violence against women and girls. “White Ribbon Day” is on 25th November, followed by a 16 day action period where events are held around the world to raise awareness of domestic abuse.

Leeway’s Competition

We are encouraging supporters to decorate a ribbon and send it in, with the best one receiving a £30 voucher that can be used at a range of high street shops. You can decorate your ribbon however you wish – you can use paint, glitter, arts and craft materials to make it as unique as you like. 

Entry for the competition is a minimum donation of £3 and closes on Friday 4th December. 

To enter our competition or for more information, email

We hope to display many of the designs we receive in a gallery on our website.

Feel free to share your completed design on social media and be sure to tag us in! Twitter: @LeewayDV, Facebook: @leeway.fundraising, Instagram: @leewaynorfolkandsuffolk  

How Your Support Helps Us

COVID means we are unable to hold events and campaigns like we usually would, limiting our ability to fundraise to enhance and sustain the services we provide. 

Not only does your participation in our campaign help us financially, it helps us to raise awareness of domestic abuse across our local community and beyond – which is especially important during a time where calls for support are increasing.