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The Leeway Hula Hoop Challenge

20 May 2015
As most of you are aware we have been operating in Norfolk since 1974 and provide a wide range of services and advice for adults, children and young people who are experiencing domestic abuse. Our mission is to empower our service users so they can make a positive change to their lives. We are always looking for different ways to increase awareness of our charity and to raise funds to help those who are currently or have been experiencing domestic violence. Our current campaign is the Leeway Hula Hoop Challenge, something fun and enjoyable for all the family to get involved in. How do I get involved? The aim of the hula hoop challenge is to see how long you can hula hoop for and raise funds whilst doing so. It's really easy to take part, all you need to do is film yourself (or get a friend to help you) hula hooping. It is entirely up to you how you would like to hula hoop, whether it's the traditional way (around the waist) or perhaps you prefer doing it with your arms! Upload the video to Facebook, pledge a donation through our Virgin Money Giving page for taking part, and then nominate your friends to give it a go to. Don't forget to use #LeewayCharityHula when sharing it on Facebook and Twitter. Take a look at the video below to see some of our team giving the hula hoop challenge a try!


Come and join in the #LeewayCharityHula Challenge, film yourself hula-hooping, nominate three people and then pledge a donation to our Virgin Money page. ( Can't wait to see how you all get on! :)

Posted by Leeway Charity Fundraising on Thursday, 14 May 2015